A new video from me on an all-in-one file manager for macOS, and some great Zsh tips from the Twilio team.
In UNIX-based programming, we often talk about shells, terminals, and the command line interfaces. Bash is probably the most well-known, but there are other widely-used options as well, such as Zsh or the Z shell.
Another Spotlight, Alfred and Quicksilver competitor enters the ring to increase your macOS productivity with a few keystrokes. How does it compare?
A new section from me, this will cover writing tips, cool interesting tidbits about language, NLP, and things like that. This issue, novel writing tips from those who know what they're talking about.
A long, long time ago, back in the first lockdown, you probably told yourself that now – right this moment, in the middle of a pandemic – was the perfect time to conceive, plot, write, revise, rewrite, complete and publish a novel which completely transformed what we thought it was possible to e
A new episode of my new storytelling podcast with Susie Kahlich.
A new discovery rewrites some of what we know about about the birth of civilisation, and someone has a new map to solve that whole "fitting the world on a sheet of paper" problem.
In 2001 a flood of archaeological objects began appearing in the antiquities market seemingly out of nowhere.
You’re going to need some double-sided tape. Most of the world maps you’ve seen in your life are past their prime. The Mercator was devised by a Flemish cartographer in 1569. The Winkel Tripel, the map style favored by National Geographic, dates to 1921.
A mixed bag of news this issue from more on GPT-3, Google Chrome fast becoming the new Internet Explorer, and famous actors replaced by AIs (unsurprisingly they're not happy about it). Also, a new episode of an Ethics in open source podcast that I am producer for 😁.
Varoon Mathur of the AI Now Institute joins us to discuss his journey into public interest technology, the intersection of AI and ethics, and publicmeds4covid.org
Google Chrome is the most-used browser on the internet. The browser rose to fame as an alternative to slow, sluggish incumbents -- Internet Explorer and Safari. But Google Chrome has become the new leader, and as a result has itself become the sluggish incumbent. It became the thing we hated.
Just a few months after rolling out what can probably be called the first privacy-preserving news reader, the folks at Brave are taking a stab at creating their own search engine to complement their namesake browser.
GPT-3 has captured the public’s imagination unlike any AI since DeepMind’s AlphaGo or IBM’s chess-playing DeepBlue.
In May 2015, The Simpsons voice actor Harry Shearer – who plays a number of key characters including, quite incredibly, both Mr Burns and Waylon Smithers – announced that he was leaving the show.
Flutter engage happened last week, and announced Flutter 2 amongst other things. Hence there was a, err, "flutter" of news about this new(ish) cross-platform programming language. I am working on my own Flutter application right now, which is why I took a renewed interest.
Our goal is to fundamentally shift how developers think about building apps, starting not with the platform you’re targeting but rather with the experience you want to create. Flutter allows you to handcraft beautiful experiences where your brand and design comes to the forefront.
Flutter is the default choice for future mobile and desktop apps created by Canonical. Google’s open-source and cross-platform UI making framework continues to grow in popularity, particularly among web devs looking for an easy “in” to mobile and desktop app development.
Hi I am Luke and I am software developer. Since I’ve chosen a very bald title I need to elaborate a bit more on it. FYI I do think technically Flutter is a cross-platform framework.
I must admit, I am often put off my certain podcast hosts who talk a certain way, and maybe I am not the only one. Also popular franchises that don't really exist, and a well written piece from a local Berlin magazine that pragmatically looks at what we've all been thinking about lockdowns, even if we don't agree.
When Podcast Hosts Speak, What Do We Hear? “Podcast voice” has been parodied, co-opted and commodified. With lip flutters and giddyap words, our reporter learned how to talk the talk.
It all started with a hug from my acupuncturist. I was on my way out of her practice (yes, needling isn't verboten!) when she caught up with me, drew me into her arms and gave me a warm, full-body embrace that took me by total surprise.
A video from MrBeast, a 22-year-old YouTube star with 54 million subscribers, usually goes something like this: An outlandish setup — say, staging a fake robbery — results in a fan’s winning thousands of dollars or a new car.