A weekly podcast from Chris Chinchilla covering technology, board and role play games, history, current affairs, and frankly whatever I feel like covering. Show notes can be found at - chrischinchilla.com/podcast
Swift playgrounds 4 brings powerful development tools to macOS and iOS contained within an easier to use application (compared to Xcode). I use this Hacking with Swift post (https://www.hackingwithswift.com/articles/245/build-your-first-swiftui-app-with-swift-playgrounds) to learn what’s possible.
I start exploring fantasy mapping tools for games, fiction, and other uses. First is the turn of Inkarnate that handles everything from worlds to interiors, all online.
M1 Macs require code signing… Which broke some things, especially workarounds for Virtual cameras. I go into more detail on the podcast version of this issue.
Although it will be a while before anyone other than select developers are writing code for Apple Silicon Macs, Apple has just revealed one important change which affects everyone who intends creating executable code to run on them: when Big Sur is asked to run ARM code, it requires it to be properl
One important difference between Intel and Apple Silicon Macs is that the latter can’t run unsigned code.
Apple's M1 chip has a number of significant benefits in terms of efficiency, battery life, and overall performance, but one area that has been overlooked by comparison is how the Apple Silicon switch affects computer security in terms of protection against malware and malicious attacks.
At first, being reachable all the time felt good. To professionals who started using BlackBerries 20 years ago to conduct business on the go, it registered as a superpower.
It has been very frustrating watching the rise of cryptocurrency (which, forgive me cryptographers, I will be calling "crypto" from here on) because a whole bunch of smart people in tech seem to be very, very excited about it.
Callum is an Englishman in Amsterdam, but not in the way you're thinking. He's the Editor of Plugged, TNW's consumer tech vertical.